


AIOU English I, 386- II Solved assignment , FA, I.com 2024


Course Name:                    Compulsory English - I

Course Code:                     386

Assignment:                       2

Total Assignment:              2

Level:                                 FA, ICOM

Semester:                            Spring 2024

Due Date:                             19-08-2024

Late Date:                             19-08-2024


Q.1 Write some sentences of apology for the situations given below.

Answer: Expression of Apology:

I am so sorry that I spilled coffee on your important papers. I know how much work you put into them and I feel terrible about the accident.

I apologize for giving you the wrong directions and causing you to get lost. It was a mistake on my part and I take full responsibility for the confusion. I'm really sorry for eating your chocolate, sister. I should have asked for permission first and I understand how important it was to you.

I want to apologize for forgetting your birthday. I feel terrible for not remembering such an important day for you and I hope you can forgive me.

I apologize for returning your bike with a flat tire. I should have taken better care of it while borrowing it and I am willing to cover the cost of fixing the tire.

Q.2 Now write a descriptive paragraph of around 100-150 words about a busy street during rush hour.

Answer: Descriptive Paragraph:

The sun was setting on the bustling city, casting a warm golden glow over the bustling street. Cars honked impatiently as they inched their way forward in the heavy traffic,

their headlights illuminating the sea of people crossing the road. Pedestrians hurriedly walked along the crowded sidewalks, their faces buried in their phones or focused on reaching their destinations. The air was filled with the sound of chatter, music blaring from car radios, and the occasional screech of brakes. Vendors set up shop on the sidewalks, selling everything from hot dogs to handcrafted jewelry, while street performers entertained passersby with their music and dance routines.

The smell of exhaust mixed with the scent of sizzling food from the food trucks lining the street, creating a cacophony of sensory stimulation. Skyscrapers towered overhead, their windows reflecting the vibrant lights of the city below. Despite the chaos and noise, there was a sense of energy and excitement in the air, a feeling of being part of something bigger than oneself. As the sky darkened and the city lights flickered on, the street only seemed to grow busier, with more cars, more people, and more noise. Rush hour was in full swing, and the city was alive with activity.

Q.3 We give reasons to explain our opinions and our decisions. Write reasons for the following opinions.

Answer: Expression of Reasons:

1. Education should be free for everyone because it is a basic human right and essential for personal and societal development. Access to education should not be limited by financial constraints.

2. Playing outdoors is more fun than staying inside because it allows for physical activity, fresh air, and exploration of the natural world, which can lead to increased creativity and overall well-being.

3. Reading books is a great way to learn new things because it exposes individuals to a wide range of perspectives, ideas, and information that can broaden their knowledge and understanding of the world.

4. Being kind to everyone is important because it promotes positivity, empathy, it promotes positive and a sense of community. Kindness can have a ripple effect, leading to more harmonious relationships and a happier society.

5. Supporting mental health awareness programs in schools is crucial because it helps reduce stigma, provides resources for those in need, and promotes overall well-being and mental health literacy among students and staff. Addressing mental health early can lead to better outcomes and a healthier future generation.

Q.4 Complete the following sentences using the appropriate cohesive links given below.

Answer: Complete Sentences:

1.    He loves ice cream; therefore, he always has some in the freezer.

2.    It was raining heavily; however, they still decided to go for a walk.

3.    They missed the bus; as a result, they arrived late to the party.

4.    He's a skilled musician; yet, he struggles with stage fright.

5.    She loves reading books, so her personal library is extensive.

Q.5 Develop a paragraph on vitamins using the following points given below.

 Answer: Develop a Paragraph:

Vitamins are essential organic substances that play a crucial role in maintaining the overall health and well-being of the body. Unlike other nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, vitamins are not produced by the body and must be obtained from various foods. They are necessary for the proper functioning of the body and are especially crucial for growth and development. Without an adequate intake of vitamins, various biological processes in the body can be disrupted, leading to a host of health problems.

Each vitamin serves a specific function in the body, and a deficiency in any one of them can have serious consequences. For example, Vitamin C is essential for the immune system and wound healing, while Vitamin D is important for bone health. A shortage of any one vitamin can lead to a range of diseases and disorders. For instance, a deficiency in Vitamin C can lead to scurvy, while a lack of Vitamin D can result in rickets.

Includes variety

It is important to consume a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods to ensure an in to consume adequate intake of vitamins. Some people may need to take vitamin supplements to meet their daily requirements, especially if they have certain health conditions or dietary restrictions. Overall, vitamins are indispensable for maintaining good health, and it is essential to ensure that we are getting enough of them in our diets.

Q.6 Read the sentences given below and write down polite expressions of disagreement follow the example given.

Answer: Polite disagreement:

1. I appreciate the invitation, but I have other plans for tonight.

2. That sounds like a great idea, but I already have commitments this weekend.

3. I see your point, but I was really craving Chinese food tonight.

4. I would love to help, but I have a bad back and I shouldn't be lifting heavy bags.

5. I understand the urgency, but I have a deadline to meet for another project.

Q.7 An incomplete part of the story is given below. Read it carefully and complete it while predicting/guessing its next part in about 100 words.

Answer: Complete Story:

Once, there was a poor boy who made a living by selling various objects from door to door. This was the way he earned money to pay for his school. One day, as he was walking from house to house as usual, he felt very hungry and weak. He felt that he couldn't walk even a few steps. He decided to ask for food at a house. He knocked on the door and was stunned to see a beautiful young girl open the door. With much hesitation, he asked the girl for a glass of water.

The young girl understood his condition and offered him a huge glass of milk. With an astonished look, the boy drank the milk very slowly.

"How much do I owe you for this milk?" he asked her.

The girl replied, “I do not want any money for this."

The boy thanked the girl from the bottom of his heart and left the place. Years passed by. The young girl grew up. In her youth, unfortunately, she fell ill and was diagnosed with the rarest kind of nervous disorder. Many experienced doctors were baffled at her condition, and she was admitted in the city hospital with the most advanced facilities.

Dr. Kevin, a renowned neurospecialist was called in by the hospital to examine her. Even with his extraordinary expertise, Dr. Kevin found the girl's illness very hard to cure. However, with perseverance and hard work that lasted months, he was finally able to get the disease under control. With careful medication and monitoring, the girl was completely cured in the end.

Everyone praised the doctor, but the girl was quite worried about how much the hospital bill would come to. Her family had just a little money kept away in the bank, which was by no means enough to pay for such a long treatment in that reputed hospital.

The girl was given the hospital bill finally. With trembling hands, she opened it. She was stunned to see that the bill had been crossed out and canceled, and there was a note underneath signed by Dr. Kevin.

"Bill paid years ago with a glass of milk!"

Q8 Read the below passage and answer the questions given at the end.

Answer: Question & Answer:

1.    The passage is about the excessive and unnecessary use of car horns in traffic in some countries.

2.    The phrase Horn if you want side means that a vehicle will not move unless another vehicle honks at it to signal that it should give way.

3.    Visitors from other countries wonder about the noise in traffic because they find it ear-splitting and disturbing, unlike in advanced countries where horn use is the exception rather than the norm.

4.    The main problem with how horns are used is that they are often used unnecessarily or as a means to scare others or assert the driver's right of way, contributing to a mindless cacophony of noise in urban areas.

5.    The suggestions given in the passage to reduce noise levels in traffic include advising drivers to use the horn sparingly, imposing fines on those who use the horn unnecessarily, and having traffic police set an example by using horns less frequently.


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