




(Department of English Language & Applied Linguistics)


Course: Compulsory English-II (1424/5411/9408)   

Semester: Spring, 2021

Level: BS Accounting & Finance, BA(AD) 

Total Marks: 100           

                                                                                                          Pass Marks: 50


(Units 1–4)


Q1. Read pages 1-4 carefully (the content is related to “academic writing various type of essays” and briefly answer the following question (in your own words).

(a). How  would you tell the difference between formal and informal  writing? Give examples in the support of your answer.

Ans: Formal and informal writing

1.      I really am sorry …..                                                                                  (I)

2.     I am very grateful for……                                                                          (F)

3.     Why don’t we….                                                                                         (I)

4.      I will not be  able to attend the                                                                   (F)

5.     Give my love to…..                                                                                     (I)

6.     I look forward to hearing from you….                                                        (I)

7.     Let me know as soon as possible….                                                           (F)

8.     Hello Tahir                                                                                                   (I)

9.     Dear MS Salem ….                                                                                      (I)

10.                        How’s life?                                                                                        (I)

11.                        Your faithfully,                                                                                  (F)

12.                        I apologies for the inconvenience….                                                (F)

13.                        We had a little bit of luck this time…                                               (F)

14.                        The conference will commence this week…                                     (F)

(b) Define ‘expository’ writing. How it is different than other types of essay?

Ans : Expository writing is used to convey factual information (as opposed to creative writing, such as fiction). It is the language of learning and understanding the world around us. If you’ve ever read an encyclopedia entry, a how to article on a website, or a chapter in a textbook, then you’ve encountered examples of expository writing.

How it’s different from others

·        Just the facts, expository writing is informational, not creative writing.

·        Anytime you write to describe or explain, you use expository writing.

·        Use a logical flow when planning an expository essay, report, or article: introduction , body text, and conclusion

·        It’s often easier to write the body of your article first, before composing the introduction or conclusion.

v Expository writing is everywhere in everyday life, not just academic settings, as it’s present anytime there’s information to be conveyed.

v It can take form in an academic paper, an article for a newspaper, a report for a business, or even book-length nonfiction.it explains, informs, and describes.

Q2. Read pages 24-30 carefully (the content is about various parts of an academic essay) and write a descriptive essay (of about 150 words) on ‘A Visit to Sunday Market.’

Ans: A Visit to Sunday Market

            Last Sunday, I accompanied my mother to the Sunday market to buy things that she needed for home in the market, I noticed ladies who were hurrying up as it was getting late some people were bargaining while others were just looking at things and moving on. There were so many fancy things that were attracting me. Soon we have a lot of bags in our hands. I told her about things that I wanted to buy.

            We then moved on to the other street. From there, we bought a few gifts to be given to our family and friends on Eid. Then we came to the street that was full of food outlets. We had some snacks and fresh juice. This made us feel fresh and energetic. We then went to see other shops selling decorative item. We bought different types of lamps and light, artificial flowers, and many other things.

            As we were almost done with all the shopping, we started walking toward our car. On the way too, my mother kept buying small stuff which she liked. We had so many bags with us that we couldn’t them all together. We kept the bags in the car and started driving back home. It took us a long time to get out of the market as we got stuck in a traffic jam.

            My mother and I were completely exhausted. On reaching home, we breathed a sigh of relief.


Q.3  Read pages 31-34 carefully (the content is about formal and informal styles of writing) and decide what types of writing style (formal/informal) is used in the following text and how?                                                                                                (05)

It is a historic moment for the institution and for its administration as this international event is going to be held for the first time in the history. Now the national anthem of the country is going to be presented. You are all requested to please stand up in the honour the national anthem.

Ans: its formal writing style because it has longer and complex in nature. The passage is in passive voice and use third person pronoun.

Q.4  Read Unit 2 which is on ‘sequence’ or ‘chronological order’ (pages 39-72). Sequence is a writing technique that writers use to present information in a step by step manner or in a process or in a sequence (of story, for example).

            Now LINK (connect) the sentences (given in the following text) by using appropriate SEQUENCE MARKERS (such as first, secondly, subsequently, then, after, finally, before, at last etc.). You are required to use at least TEN sequence markers in your answer.

Ans :

            Let us first define who a prime Minister (PM) is. A PM is the chief executive of a country.

            Meanwhile in a country like Pakistan, before   becoming the PM of the country, firstly one needs to become the leader of political party.  Secondly, as a matter of fact, that party must also have a simple majority of seats in the national assembly and then must also win a national assembly seat subsequently. and, after, having won the national assembly seat and having a majority in the house, at least one  must also be In a position to take the vote confidence finally  calling oneself the PM of the country.


Q.5  Read the text title as ‘A Day in the Life of a Nurse’ one page 56-57 carefully. Also read Exercise-9 given on page 58.

            Now write down a PARAGRAPH of about 150 words on ‘A Day in the Life of a Police Officer’. Follow the use of SEQUENCE MARKERS in your answer.


First, A policeman starts his day with some exercise or jogging. It is necessary to keep him alert and smart all day long. It keeps him fit and healthy to do the difficult job. Then, he reports to duty at the police station. He marks his attendance. Afterwards, He reads the daily Flits (First Information Reports). After that, He gets orders from his seniors and goes on enquiry and investigation. Then, he very boldly and cautiously do the investigation about the crime. Next, he reports that to the headquarters about his report. After doing that he does his lunch. After lunch he go through some FIR’S and listen to inquiries. Finally, his shifts and.

Q.6  Read the text titled as ‘Planting a Tree: A Step by Step Guide’ on pages 60-61 carefully. Now draw a flow chart for ‘Depositing Cash with a Bank’ write a paragraph on it by using appropriate SEQUENCE MARKERS.                                    (10)










         First ask for a deposit slip and fill up all the details, like, Date, Account Type, Account Number, Account Holder Name, and Amount and sign on the deposit slip. Secondly, remember to fill up all the details in the receipt attached to the deposit slip. Then, enter the denominations. Afterwards, hand over the deposit slip and the cash or the cheque to the concerned person in the bank. Finally, remember to collect the receipt ( also called counter foil).

Q.7  Read Unit 3 on ‘classification’ and, particularly the text titled as ‘Pollution’ on Pages 89-91. Now, complete the following tasks briefly:

a.      Define ‘environmental pollution’.

Ans: Environmental Pollution is defined as “the contamination of the physical and biological components of the earth /atmosphere system to such an extent that normal environmental processes or adversely effected.”


            Ever since men abandoned animal power to travel, pollution of the environment has become higher and higher. Its levels have only been increasing until now. Similarly to industries, pollution caused by transport can mainly be attributed to fossil fuels. Indeed, humans came across a long way from horse carriages to cars, train (which, before electricity, used to be propelled by coal), and airplanes.as traffic is increasing every day, pollution follows that evolution.

Agricultural Activities

            Agriculture is mainly responsible for the contamination of water and soil. This is caused by the increased use of pesticides, as well as by the intensive character of its production. Almost all pesticides are made from chemical substances and are meant to keep diseases and threatening animals away from the crops.

            However, by keeping these form of life away, the harm is almost always made to the surrounding environment as well.

Trading Activities

            Trading activities include the production and exchange of goods and services. As regards goods, pollution can be caused by packaging (which often involves the use of plastic, which is made from fossil fuels) or transport, mainly,


Finally, residential areas provide there fair share of pollution as well. First, to be able to build homes, the natural environment has to be destroyed in one way or another.

            Wildlife and plants or driven away replaced by human constructions. As it requires the work of industries, construction            is also a source of contamination of the environment.

            Following that, when people settle in, they will produce waste every day, including a part that cannot be processed by the environment without any harm yet.

Q8: Read the text titled as types of teachers on pages 96-98 carefully and answer the following questions briefly:

(a)              What are the characteristics of your ideal teacher?

Ans: (a) characteristics of ideal teacher:

1.     Love Their students:

One of the characteristics of an effective teacher is that these teacher feel privileged and honored to be a part in their students’ lives. They relate to their student by finding out what they’re interested in and then learning more about those interests. This way they can be more involved with there class and design lesson plans and reading material that is both relevant and exciting to their students.

2.     Listen to students:

Listening to students goes a long way in building relationships based off of trust and mutual respect. The teachers that do listen receive valuable insight in to the lives of their students. Students are more likely to ask for additional support when struggling with reading or other subjects if they are in an environment where they know they will be taken seriously.

3.     Make time for each student:

Teachers that make time each student individually can see  which students need to be challenged in their reading and which ones are  struggling and could use some additional support. This teachers aren’t necessarily better at time management, however, they do know when to ask for help so they can make time for this important best practice.

4.     Learn something  new every day :

Those that practice what they preach and or passionate about learning and reading are the best examples to their student. Teachers that strive to learn something new every day, whether it be through reading good books, staying on top of local issues, or simply listening to a friend, will inspire their students to be life- long learners as well.

5.     Fill the classroom with positivity:

Its amazing how far a simple and a kind word can go toward lifting the mood of the entire classroom- especially for students that may be struggling with reading or other subjects. An other quality of an effective teacher is that they are consistently upbeat, which enable their student to feel secure in their    learning environment.

(b). How would you define your ideal teacher?

An ideal teacher is one we respect form our heart. He or she acts as a guide to the students, but at the same time does not push them too much. An ideal teacher motivates the students and boosts their morale. An ideal teacher tries to encourage the students and refrain from criticising them. Such a teacher prefers to give positive motivation to student. An ideal teacher’s comments are always constructive. The ideal teacher is our friend, guide, educator, confidante, all rolled into one. One such teacher builds the whole life of the students. Everyone in this world should get an ideal teacher.

Q9. Read about and effect (as given on pages 107- 112) carefully and complete the exercises (given on pages 112-146) in the unit. Now write down an essay of about 250 words on the cause and effect of the pollution explosions. Follow the use of cause and effect relationship in your essay. You can discuss ONE effect of multiple cause and reason and vice versa (multiple effects of ONE reason).

Ans. Cause and effects of pollution explosion

            Pollution growth is a global issue and cause for concern for the entire human race. Due to the recent trends of population increase around the world, it is important to become educated and aware of the factors that cause of population to grow and the problems that occur due to this growth.

            There are many causes or reason for population growth, such as poverty, lack of education and family planning information, lack of birth control facilities, religious beliefs, traditions that demands large families, and the belief that children are insurance against old age.

            High pollution growth is the main driving force of adverse impacts on the environment. More people need more space, require more energy, water, and natural resources, which inevitably leads to higher pressure on land, air, water, and natural resources. They also produce more waste, which again has an impact on land, water, and air.

b.     Create a diagram illustrating various types of ‘environmental pollution’.










c.      Explain what causes environmental pollution?

1. Industries:

Industries have been polluting our environment, especially since the beginning of the industrial revolution, as mentioned above, notably due to the increasing use of fossil fuels. In the 19th century and for a significant part of 20th century, coal has been use to make machines work faster, replacing human force.

Though pollution by industries mainly causes air pollution, soil and water contamination can also occur. This is particularly the case for power – generating industries, such as plants  



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